Xank is the only cryptocurrency that works like a stablecoin while having investment value. Xank’s unique Stable Pay feature allows you to spend, send, and hold the free-floating Xank cryptocurrency as a price stable currency. With Xank, you truly do get to enjoy the best of both worlds.
Xank’s price goes up and down, much like Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. The market forces of supply and demand determine the price of the Xank coin, giving it potential investment value.
You no longer have to worry about price fluctuations when you send money, buy a donut, or simply hold onto your assets. This is all made possible through Xank’s built-in on-demand price stabilization feature called Stable Pay.
Xank’s self-funding, autonomous Reserve enables Stable Pay transactions by calibrating transactions to the IMF SDR rate.
Xank has redesigned masternodes to make it more fair for everyone. Anyone with 1,000 XDR (IMF SDR) worth of Xank coins is eligible to be a masternode operator.
Xank implements a merit-based governance model that follows after Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater idea meritocracy.
Xank is more than just a cryptocurrency. The Xank Treasury funds your ideas for making the world a better place.
Stable Pay transactions are “soft-pegged” to the IMF SDR rate and Local Pay to any currency to maintain a fixed fiat value.
Xank implements a safeguard mechanism to protect the network in the event of extreme price volatility.
Xank is a cryptocurrency you can use for everyday transactions. Stable Pay allows you to send money to a relative overseas, complete a business transaction, or accept a payment at your grocery store. In addition to its many use cases, Xank has investment value as a cryptocurrency, so it truly is the ideal money.
Xank has been mentioned and featured in these stablecoin reports and newspaper articles.