As we say goodbye to summer and welcome the fall season, we want to highlight our activities from August. We have interviews, conference speeches, and document updates that we want to share with you guys.
World Blockchain Summit MARVELS Busan 2019
Recently, the city of Busan, Korea, was selected as a partial regulation-free zone for blockchain technology, and on August 29th, Busan’s politicians and private sector blockchain companies came together to discuss how the new blockchain hub should move forward. Xank’s founder Ryu was invited to give his input on the future of blockchain and cryptocurrency in Korea. He was also given the opportunity to present Xank to an audience of several hundred.

While many participants were skeptical of the government’s motives after it announced that blockchain, not cryptocurrencies, would be supported in this push for developing blockchain infrastructure, Yoo Jae-soo, Busan’s Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs, assured listeners that the government is aware of the fact that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are in fact inseparable, and that he would do his best to ease crypto into the picture.
2019 Venture Startup Casting Fair
On August 28th, Ryu delivered a 10-minute presentation on Xank the stable transaction coin. After being selected as one of six companies to present at the casting fair, Xank had the privilege of delivering our message and meeting individually with investors, exchanges, and those who wanted to learn more about Xank.

Ryu talks about stablecoins, consensus algorithms, and Xank with Crypto Blood, well-known YouTube influencer, in this 35 minute clip.
We’re happy to release through this post our very own Philosophy Paper! Xank is more than a cryptocurrency – we adhere to a certain philosophy for a united Earth, where people and our environment come first. You can read the full document in the language of your preference:
Social Media
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We will work to bring you more good news in the month of September. Thank you all for your unwavering support!